Cycling in Botanical Garden Shah Alam

Hye! Konbanwa peers..
How are you today? I hope you still in pink of health and in happy mood. Hurm.. today is very tired day for me of course, because I do not have enough sleep last night. yeah.. I got fast heart beat and my first heart attack I think,huhu.. do you know why? My friend sent a picture for me. She said that her boyfriend is very handsome,tough, jaw line face, charming like Imran Abbas who is an actor from Pakistan. But then, when she show his photos to me...Maigad, I got very excited because his boyfriend is really like Bobo (parody Shae-Sayang) and Faizdickievp as Kak Leha Bunting in Komik sengal.Hahaha.. Okay, I'm just kidding. Very cute people actually. By the way, this is not my point for today.
First, Ahaks.. I want to share to you about our first travel package in Botanical Garden Shah Alam. Actually, this package is under TPHM course (Tourism Planning and Hospitality Management) and we were already promoted this package during our TPHM Exhibition Day Program in Main Audi, IIUM. On that time, we tried to promote 2 activities in Botanical Garden which was cycling and skytrex activity, but there have some problems. So, we could not did skytrex activity. Finally, after pungpangpunpang..Lastly, we prepared and decided only to do cycling activity there.
Yes, of course we have project manager, assistance project manager, secretary which is me (not a responsible secretary because I do not making the report yet after a month ..huwaa) and we have our own Marshal Team. Tara!!!
How are you today? I hope you still in pink of health and in happy mood. Hurm.. today is very tired day for me of course, because I do not have enough sleep last night. yeah.. I got fast heart beat and my first heart attack I think,huhu.. do you know why? My friend sent a picture for me. She said that her boyfriend is very handsome,tough, jaw line face, charming like Imran Abbas who is an actor from Pakistan. But then, when she show his photos to me...Maigad, I got very excited because his boyfriend is really like Bobo (parody Shae-Sayang) and Faizdickievp as Kak Leha Bunting in Komik sengal.Hahaha.. Okay, I'm just kidding. Very cute people actually. By the way, this is not my point for today.
First, Ahaks.. I want to share to you about our first travel package in Botanical Garden Shah Alam. Actually, this package is under TPHM course (Tourism Planning and Hospitality Management) and we were already promoted this package during our TPHM Exhibition Day Program in Main Audi, IIUM. On that time, we tried to promote 2 activities in Botanical Garden which was cycling and skytrex activity, but there have some problems. So, we could not did skytrex activity. Finally, after pungpangpunpang..Lastly, we prepared and decided only to do cycling activity there.
Yes, of course we have project manager, assistance project manager, secretary which is me (not a responsible secretary because I do not making the report yet after a month ..huwaa) and we have our own Marshal Team. Tara!!!
This is my Teamates Marshal. Yes, I'm the the lowest among them.
Actually we have another 2 person, but they are missing at this time. So, we arrived Botanical Garden around 10 a.m if I not mistaken because well yeah.. 'janji melayu'. After we arrived there, we took our bicycle quickly because our Marshall team had already booked the bicycles earlier.
Before start, we stayed for a while to get briefing of the program from our lecturer. Oh I'm forget that Sir also brought his students which were our freshies to complete their class assignment and for academic purpose.
Friendly Freshies
We divided in two group which were our own group,travel package and other group was Sir class group with his students.
We started our journey in Botanical Garden with visiting Taman Haiwan first. There are several animals in the cages such as white Parrot which is can talk and said 'Hai' to visitors, Pony horse, hedgehog and etc.
A long cute tail of a Pony Horse.
The next destination was Kampung Idaman.
There are several example of houses in Malaysia such as in this picture is Johor house.
Then, we needed to cycle on the small and slippery bicycle path. This was given adventure to new cycle like them. Some of them feel not confident to cycle on this bicycle path and that forced them to walk with their bicycle itself.
This is a bridge to go to 4 Season Garden.
And.. this is Taman Herba. Look at the huge gazebo, if you go up until the top of the gazebo you can see the beautiful scenery and view of Botanical Garden there. The beautiful lake at the front of this garden with the floating green lotus.
After that, we moved to Empangan which, we needed to cycle along quite high hill to reach there. This part was very funny because many of them were punctured at the middle of the road trip and we as the marshals looked steady because we have a lot of checkpoint to stop and rest to wait for them.Hahaha
Beautiful Empangan in Botanical Garden. This place is peace and a nice port to relax. So, we got a long rest at Empangan because everyone feel tired after cycling and to back at the main entrance. We needed to cycle along the high hill again. Maigad!
Tired face.
During the way of road trip to back to the main entrance, we stopped at Fruits Garden for a while because many of them feel exhausted after cycling through the high road. There we can see a lot of fruit trees such as local fruit trees and if we were lucky on that day, we can eat the fruits for free. But.. yeah.. no lucks.
The beautiful lotus flowers at the end of this trip.
Sir,TPHM students, Teamates Marshals and our customers who are very spotting to cycling with us. Thank you so much for all of the visitors that followed our trip. We are very appreciated for their cooperation. They are so friendly and gorgeous students because overall feedback that they give back to us are positive. Alhamdulillah..
Lastly, Yeay! We did it! After this, waiting for the hint of Happy Hours from PM and APM. hehehe
TQ ^_^
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