Hiking to Sungai Pisang Waterfall Gombak

بِسْـــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Alhamdulillah.. Thanks to Allah because we are still alive and breath today. Now, I want to share about my friends and I hiking at Sungai Pishang Waterfall last week. Yeah.. because of the hectic life before the study week, we need to complete our final TAP project first. Yes, tired actually so do not have time to update this entry. So, do you know about Sungai Pisang Waterfall? I called it Pishang. ^^, If you do not know, Sg.Pisang is a river side which is having a clear water and also have a waterfall at the top of hill at a small village in Gombak area. The signboard of Sg.Pisang is beside the left road if you from Gombak, and if you are from Karak Lama the signboard corner is at the right road. So, anyone who want to feel the nature, I will suggest to hike this hill from the river. At the top of the hill have a beautiful scenery of green nature and also a '90 degrees waterfall'. 

I went there with my friends. Actually we did not aspect to hike, but after the serious discussion, finally we went there because of me. hiks ^_^'

So, before we arrived at the waterfall, we needed to hike the hill first. I had a little bit shocked about the jungle track because it challenge we very well. The most huge problem was.... we did not wear sport shoes. :,,0 This was a sad story actually, when we hiking most of us have wound on palm and feet because of the challenging track. About the half of our journey, we arrived at the big hole of tunnel.

You can see, the hole of tunnel is dark and quite long. However, the water is too cold and clear. You will know the feeling at this moment when you arrived there by yourself.
Because of the tired and want to avoid from another wound, we use the highway track to arrive at the peek of hill. Yes, Finally we arrived there!


The scenery at the top of waterfall

The scenery in front of waterfall. We did not used the rope to be down here, but we used a small dangerous track opposite the waterfall. Of course have a little bit scary but we did it. So, when we arrived there, we are not feel unsecured too much because there have a lot of people and climbers. Of course they want to take the challenge which is doing waterfall flying fox. Actually on that time, the climbers are from UniKL if I'm not mistaken.

You can see the cristal clear water and the small fishes there. SubhanaAllah.. This is the true nature that we need to adventure in our life at least once.

After enjoying the waterfall, we start to pack our bag and went back at 5 p.m by using another road which was needed to be hiked. This track is more far and scary if we are alone. So better have a group or friends if you want to use this track. We needed to quickly walk because the sky seem to cloudy and want to drop his big tears. However, the rain was started fall down the moment we arrived at the riverside. So, I ended my entry with these picture today. I hope that you will enjoy that. ^^,

Cycling in Botanical Garden Shah Alam

Hye! Konbanwa peers..

How are you today? I hope you still in pink of health and in happy mood. Hurm.. today is very tired day for me of course, because I do not have enough sleep last night. yeah.. I got fast heart beat and my first heart attack I think,huhu.. do you know why? My friend sent a picture for me. She said that her boyfriend is very handsome,tough, jaw line face, charming like Imran Abbas who is an actor from Pakistan. But then, when she show his photos to me...Maigad, I got very excited because his boyfriend is really like Bobo (parody Shae-Sayang)  and Faizdickievp as Kak Leha Bunting in Komik sengal.Hahaha.. Okay, I'm just kidding. Very cute people actually. By the way, this is not my point for today.

First, Ahaks.. I want to share to you about our first travel package in Botanical Garden Shah Alam. Actually, this package is under TPHM course (Tourism Planning and Hospitality Management) and we were already promoted this package during our TPHM Exhibition Day Program in Main Audi, IIUM. On that time, we tried to promote 2 activities in Botanical Garden which was cycling and skytrex activity, but there have some problems. So, we could not did skytrex activity. Finally, after pungpangpunpang..Lastly, we prepared and decided only to do cycling activity there.

Yes, of course we have project manager, assistance project manager, secretary which is me (not a responsible secretary because I do not making the report yet after a month ..huwaa) and we have our own Marshal Team. Tara!!!

This is my Teamates Marshal. Yes, I'm the the lowest among them.

Actually we have another 2 person, but they are missing at this time. So, we arrived Botanical Garden around 10 a.m if I not mistaken because well yeah.. 'janji melayu'. After we arrived there, we took our bicycle quickly because our Marshall team had already booked the bicycles earlier.

Before start, we stayed for a while to get briefing of the program from our lecturer. Oh I'm forget that Sir also brought his students which were our freshies to complete their class assignment and for academic purpose.  

Friendly Freshies

We divided in two group which were our own group,travel package and other group was Sir class group with his students.

We started our journey in Botanical Garden with visiting Taman Haiwan first. There are several animals in the cages such as white Parrot which is can talk and said 'Hai' to visitors, Pony horse, hedgehog and etc.

 A long cute tail of a Pony Horse.

The next destination was Kampung Idaman.

There are several example of houses in Malaysia such as in this picture is Johor house.

Then, we needed to cycle on the small and slippery bicycle path. This was given adventure to new cycle like them. Some of them feel not confident to cycle on this bicycle path and that forced them to walk with their bicycle itself.

This is a bridge to go to 4 Season Garden.

And.. this is Taman Herba. Look at the huge gazebo, if you go up until the top of the gazebo you can see the beautiful scenery and view of Botanical Garden there. The beautiful lake at the front of this garden with the floating green lotus.

After that, we moved to Empangan which, we needed to cycle along quite high hill to reach there. This part was very funny because many of them were punctured at the middle of the road trip and we as the marshals looked steady because we have a lot of checkpoint to stop and rest to wait for them.Hahaha

Beautiful Empangan in Botanical Garden. This place is peace and a nice port to relax. So, we got a long rest at Empangan because everyone feel tired after cycling and to back at the main entrance. We needed to cycle along the high hill again. Maigad!

Tired face.

During the way of road trip to back to the main entrance, we stopped at Fruits Garden for a while because many of them feel exhausted after cycling through the high road. There we can see a lot of fruit trees such as local fruit trees and if we were lucky on that day, we can eat the fruits for free. But.. yeah.. no lucks.

The beautiful lotus flowers at the end of this trip.

Sir,TPHM students, Teamates Marshals and our customers who are very spotting to cycling with us. Thank you so much for all of the visitors that followed our trip. We are very appreciated for their cooperation. They are so friendly and gorgeous students because overall feedback that they give back to us are positive. Alhamdulillah..

Lastly, Yeay! We did it! After this, waiting for the hint of Happy Hours from PM and APM. hehehe 

TQ ^_^

Bora Bora Island

     When I was in primary school, I love to see mother of nature because it gives me a feel of peace which difficult to find in this real world. (Ecece..ajet2 je.. haha)

 “ …Maka, Lihatlah berulang-ulang!...” Lihatlah sekali lagi, untuk menegaskan dan memantapkan. “ Adakah kamu melihat sesuatu yang tidak seimbang?”  ( Al-Mulk: 3) 

         From this ayat, we know that, which part in this world is not beautiful? Because all of these nature are created by Allah s.w.t.  So, I always daydream during my leisure and imagine I will go somewhere to find the nice places like what I’ve dreamed. One day, I try to ‘google’ the beautiful places in this world that I’ve never ever seen before. Then ..jeng..jeng..jeng.. I found Bora Bora Island. Maigad! This is one of the awesome places which is as same as my imagination before. Until now, I still looking Bora Bora photos at the other website and instagram as well. And.. Today, I want to share about Bora Bora Island. 

First and foremost, Bora Bora is an island in the Leeward group of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France in the Pacific Ocean. The island, located about 230 kilometres (143 miles) northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. In the centre of the island are the remnants of an extinct volcano rising to two peaks, Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu, the highest point at 727 metres (2,385 feet).Bora Bora is a major international tourist destination, famous for its aqua-centric luxury resorts. The major settlement, Vaitape, is on the western side of the main island, opposite the main channel into the lagoon. Produce of the island is mostly limited to what can be obtained from the sea and the plentiful coconut trees, which were historically of economic importance for copra. According to a 2008 census, Bora Bora has a permanent population of 8,880. 

   Today the island's economy is driven almost solely by tourism. Over the last few years several resorts have been built on motu (small islands, from Tahitian) surrounding the lagoon. Hotel Bora Bora opened in 1961, and nine years later built the first over-the-waterbungalows on stilts over the lagoon. Today, over-water bungalows are a standard feature of most Bora Bora resorts. The quality of those bungalows ranges from comparably cheap, basic accommodations to very luxurious and expensive places to stay.


        Most of the tourist destinations are aqua-centric; however it is possible to visit attractions on land such as WWII cannons. Air Tahiti has five or six flights daily to the Bora Bora Airport on Motu Mute from Tahiti (as well as from other islands). The island is served by Bora Bora Airport on Motu Mute in the north, with Air Tahiti providing daily flights to and from Papeete on Tahiti.Public transport on the island is nonexistent. Rental cars and bicycles are the recommended methods of transport. There are also small, two-seater buggies for hire in Vaitape. It is possible to rent a motorboat to explore the lagoon.

            Snorkeling and scuba diving in and around the lagoon of Bora Bora are popular activities. Many species of sharks and rays inhabit the surrounding body of water. There are a few dive operators on the island offering manta ray dives and also shark-feeding dives.In addition to the existing islands of Bora Bora, the new manmade motu of Motu Marfo has been added in the northeastern corner of the lagoon on the property of the St. Regis Resort.       Last but not least, there are a lot of beautiful pictures from Bora Bora Island, and these pictures are taken at Four seaons Bora bora and these pictures come from some of world millionaires such as Timothy Sykes and etc. Check him out for the Millionare Lifestyle. You want to know and see more about Bora Bora? Visit this Instagram: bestvacations. ThaNks. '',


New Episode


Some said, today is a nice day to update your new chapter. Do you think so? I hope. '', So? what i'm supposed to do is i'm gonna started again this blog with my travels. Yeah! it sound fishy here because i'm not going travel to another country yet but i have this dream.

so.. When I say I want to travel I don't mean I want to stay at resorts and go on tours with tour guides or buy key chains from souvenir shops, I don't want to be a tourist. When I say I want to travel I mean I want to explore another country and become part of it. I want to discover small coffee shops in Germany and Italy and France, even though I don't drink coffee. wakaka.. I want to walk on beaches in Australia and browse the book stores of England. I want to hike the Great Wall of China and go cliff diving in Hawaii. I want to enter to hobbit house in Switzerland because I'm a dwarf. haha..  I want to meet people who are not like me, but people who I can like all the same. I want to take pictures of things, places, food, culture, heritage and people I meet. I want to see things with new eyes. I want to look at a map and be able to remember how I was transformed by the places I've been to, the things I've seen, and the people I've met. I want to come home and realize that I have not come home whole, but have left a piece of my heart in each place I have been. This, I think, is what is at the heart of Adventure and this is why I plan on making my life one.

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